What if the whole galaxy is teaming with life even more intelligent than humans? Could it be that some are already hidden among us? They might not even look that different from us. Maybe Earth is on the outer-rim of galactic civilization just like certain tribes in the Amazon rain forest have yet to "discover" the rest of the world. Thrax Bubbles assumes this is the case, because, in all honesty, a galaxy with one inhabited planet out of gazillions is not only extremely BORING, but even more absurdly IMPOSSIBLE.
I was much more inclined to write about a reluctant human space traveler who meets pink-robed, prodding alien scientists with wrinkly puppy-dog faces than a man who sees one barren rock after another.
Again, I was interested in what the theory of evolution might do on planets of different circumstances and the quirky societies that would result. Insectilians, Reptilians, Anphibimen, Slugmen? Anything is possible, especially given my wild imagination!
There would be robots of course. Whole planets of them, others working as slaves, and many with twisted programming. After all, has anyone heard of a computer or software that didn't have a few bugs?
In a galaxy where the planets are too numerous to count, could one government unite them all? Could police keep order? Or is it just a big Machiavellian free-for-all?
With all this life around us, do you really believe that our history hasn't been tampered with? What about our leaders? Were they, are they really all human? Come on, don't be naive...
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